
Daily Proficiency Social Share Image

Welcome to Daily Proficiency! This blog was started by me, Vihan, a passionate 28-year-old designer, software engineer, and web enthusiast who has been doing this as a freelancer for about eight years.

Here you will find helpful guides, news, lists, and more about topics ranging from design to WordPress to front-end development. Eventually, I intend to share just about every piece of valuable knowledge that I have acquired.

Why Did I Start Daily Proficiency?

Once upon a time, I wrote some blog posts over at my personal website. It was a large endeavor that I casually took on, and together with my other work, I was unable to put in the time required to deliver good content regularly.

Daily Proficiency is a standalone project, separate from my site. This is a project where I intend to create a schedule of regularly published content, initially written only by me, but hopefully growing into something bigger.

This site is meant to be a resource for those who want to improve their skills. From beginners to pros, I think there will be something here for everyone.

What You’ll Find Here

Daily Proficiency’s range of content includes:

  • Best of Lists: Discover the top tools, resources, and trends to elevate your skills and stay ahead of the curve.
  • Reviews: In-depth evaluations of design software, development frameworks, and other essential tools to help you make informed decisions.
  • Comparisons: Side-by-side comparisons of different solutions to assist you in choosing the best fit for your projects.
  • Rankings: Stay updated with our expert rankings of the best design and development resources in the market.
  • Quick How-Tos: Quick, practical guides to tackle common design and development challenges efficiently.
  • Longer Guides: Comprehensive, step-by-step tutorials and guides to master various aspects of design and web development.

Topics Covered

Level up your skills on a wide spectrum of design and development topics, including:

  • Design: Topics on the latest design trends, techniques, and best practices in UI/UX, web, and graphic design.
  • WordPress: Get the most out of the world’s most popular content management system, with tips, tricks, and expert advice on themes, plugins, hosting, and all sorts of WordPress-y things.
  • SEO: Learn more about writing content to rank on search engines. Meta tags, site structure, backlinks, and larger digital marketing topics like running ads, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, etc.
  • Front-End Development: Stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as many tangentially related topics like frameworks, developer tools.

Let’s Talk

This is just a blog, but I’m hoping that in time it will be more than that. Hit up Daily Proficiency on social media. I want to talk to the people who are reading this blog. Good, bad, questions, discussions, feedback, requests, anything. I’d love to hear from you so I can make this place the best resource it can be.

If you’ve read this far into the about page, I’d like to sincerely thank you for your interest and for reading Daily Proficiency.